MCQ Class 9 English Chapter 9 The Beggar Moments Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Moments Class 9th 1. What is the name of the tenth lesson of your book "Moment" ? The BeggarThe Last LeafThe Lost Child The Happy PrinceQuestion 1 of 152. Who is the writer of this lesson ?Anton ChekhovT . S EliotBill BrysonMulk Raj AnandQuestion 2 of 153. What is name of advocate ?SergoiSergeiKalunga SandyQuestion 3 of 154. I have had nothing to eat for ...........Three days Four days Two day Five daysQuestion 4 of 155. What was the beggar for eight years ?DoctorVillage school teacher Social workerActorQuestion 5 of 156. How was the beggar ?Ragged ,fawn coloured overcoatRed spot on either cheekDrunken eyes All of theseQuestion 6 of 157. What did the beggar ask to Sergei ?Some moneyClothesShelters FoodQuestion 7 of 158. Who said, "I am neither a student nor a school teacher" ?SergeiBeggarSadovyaNone of theseQuestion 8 of 159. Who sang in Russian choir ?The beggarSergei School teacherA childQuestion 9 of 1510. What work Sergei gave to that beggar ?Work in a hotelChopping woodWorking in a house Working as a watchmanQuestion 10 of 1511. From where Sergei could see the beggar ? Window of dinning roomGap from his houseFrom the roofNone of theseQuestion 11 of 1512. What was the name of Sergei "s cook ?OligaOlgaOlega OilgaQuestion 12 of 1513. How much money gave the Sergei to that beggar ?A rublefive copecks Half rupeeOne rupeeQuestion 13 of 1514. Sergei asked that beggar to come ................?every day every Sunday first day of each month every yearQuestion 14 of 1515. When Sergei moved into another house he hired that beggar help in the packing havling of the furnitureboth A and Bnone of theseQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...