MCQ Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Visualising Solid Shapes Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Maths Class 7th 1. The name of the solid shape is conecylinderspherecubeQuestion 1 of 202. The name of the solid shape is cuboidcubepyramidconeQuestion 2 of 203. The name of the solid shape is cylinderconespherecubeQuestion 3 of 204. The name of the solid shape is cubecylinderconeconeQuestion 4 of 205. The name of the solid shape is cylinderconecuboidsphereQuestion 5 of 206. The name of the solid shape is cylinderconespherepyramidQuestion 6 of 207. The number of vertices of a cube is81263Question 7 of 208. The number of edges of a cube is81263Question 8 of 209. The number of faces of a cube is81263Question 9 of 2010. The number of vertices of the solid shape is 1234Question 10 of 2011. The number of faces of the solid shape is 1234Question 11 of 2012. The number of edges of the solid shape is 1236Question 12 of 2013. The number of vertices of the solid shape is 9468Question 13 of 2014. The number of faces of the solid shape is 4698Question 14 of 2015. The number of edges of the solid shape is 16964Question 15 of 2016. Two cubes of edge length 2 cm are placed side by side. The length of the resulting cuboid is2 cm4 cm1 cmnone of theseQuestion 16 of 2017. What cross-section do you get when you give a horizontal cut to a die?SquareRectangleTriangleCircleQuestion 17 of 2018. What cross-section do you get when you give a vertical cut to a brick?SquareRectangleTriangleCircleQuestion 18 of 2019. The shadow of the lamp of an a cube when seen under overhead projector issquarecircletrianglerectangleQuestion 19 of 2020. What cross-section do you get when you give a horizontal cut to an ice-cream cone?TriangleCircleRectangleSquareQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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