MCQ Class 7 History Chapter 7 The Making of Regional Cultures Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 7th 1. With what do we associate each region?FoodLanguageClothingAll of theseQuestion 1 of 152. The language spoken in the Chera kingdom of Mahodayapuram wasSanskritUrduMalayalamPersianQuestion 2 of 153. Fourteenth-century text of Sanskrit which deals with grammar and poetry was calledLilatilakamMiniatureBasohilDialectQuestion 3 of 154. Chera kingdom was established in9th century10th century11th century12th centuryQuestion 4 of 155. The conquerors tried to control the temple of Jagannatha at Puri becausethey were very devoted to God Jagannathathe temple was very beautifulthe temple had huge wealthnone of the aboveQuestion 5 of 156. Who proclaimed himself as deputy of God?ShankaraRamanujaking Anangabhima IIIRuler of MahodayapuramQuestion 6 of 157. The word Rajputana meantthe Rajput traditionin 19th century the region of present day Rajasthangroup of Rajputsnone of the aboveQuestion 7 of 158. Which type of emotions were there in Rajputs ?BraveryValourLoyaltyAll of theseQuestion 8 of 159. The major patrons of Kathak wereMongolsPandayanMughalsRajputQuestion 9 of 1510. Basohli wassmall sized paintingsbold and intense style of miniature paintingsold and very distinctivetraditionsQuestion 10 of 1511. Bengali language was derived fromHindiSanskritPersianUrduQuestion 11 of 1512. Which of the following is the language of 13th century Brihaddharma Purana of Bengal?PersianHindiUrduSanskritQuestion 12 of 1513. What type of traveller was Xuan Zang?JapaneseNepaliChineseBurmeseQuestion 13 of 1514. What was the capital of Bengal under the Mughal control?DhakaMurshidabadCalcuttaAwadhQuestion 14 of 1515. Brihaddharma Purana permitted which caste to eat certain variety of fish1?KshatriyasBrahamanasBothNone of theseQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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