MCQ Class 7 History Chapter 4 The Mughals (16th to 17th Century) Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 7th 1. The name of residence of Mughal Emperors in Delhi wasthe Red Fortthe Old Fort.the Siri Fortnone of theseQuestion 1 of 102. Genghis Khan was a ruler of this tribe:TurkishMongolsHunsNone of theseQuestion 2 of 103. Which Mughal Emperor was defeated by Sher Shah Suri?BaburHumayunAkbarJahangirQuestion 3 of 104. What is the ruling period of Jahangir?1526-1530 AD1530-1556 AD 1556-1605 AD1605-1627 ADQuestion 4 of 105. Which Sikh Guru’s Martyrdom took place during Jahangir’s reign?Guru Nanak SinghjiGuru Gobind SinghjiGuru ArjanGuru Tegh Bahadur SinghjiQuestion 5 of 106. What was the capital of Mirza Hakim Akhar’s half brother?KabulAfghanMoroccoSindQuestion 6 of 107. Rathor Rajput was related toMarwarMewarAmberRanthamboreQuestion 7 of 108. Which ruler was insulted by Aurangzeb?Maharaja Sawai Man SinghMaharana PratapChhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj All of theseQuestion 8 of 109. The salary of the Mansabdars was calledmansabjatJagirzabtQuestion 9 of 1010. Who was Akbars Revenue minister?Raja Todar MalBirbalAbul FazlTansenQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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