MCQ Class 7 History Chapter 2 New Kings and Kingdoms Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 7th 1. Which new dynasty developed in eastern part of the country?CholasPalasChahamanasRashtrakutasQuestion 1 of 152. What was the other name of the great lord of a ‘circle’ or region?SamantasSubordinatesMaha-mandaleshvaraQuestion 2 of 153. Who were expected to bring gifts for their kings in 17th century?SamantasOverlordsMaha-samantasMaha-mandaleshvaraQuestion 3 of 154. When were Samantas declared Maha-samantas?When they bring gifts for their kingsWhen they provide kings with military supportWhen they gain power and wealthNone of the aboveQuestion 4 of 155. What is the literal meaning of hiranya-garbha?RashtrakutasDantidurgaGolden wombGolden deerQuestion 5 of 156. From whom was the Revenue also collected?TradersMerchantsPeasantsQuestion 6 of 157. What is Vetti?RentTaxRevenueNone of theseQuestion 7 of 158. What was the use of money collected from taxes?To finance the kings’ establishmentConstruction of temples and fortsTo fight warsAll of theseQuestion 8 of 159. The functionaries for collecting revenue were recruited frompeasantsartisanstradersinfluential familiesQuestion 9 of 1510. Prashastis tell us how rulers wanted to depict themselves asleadervaliant victorious warriorsachieverall of theseQuestion 10 of 1511. In which language was the prashasti found in Gwalior written?HindiEnglishSanskritUrduQuestion 11 of 1512. Who was Nagabhata?Gupta rulerChakrayudhaMalavaPratihara kingQuestion 12 of 1513. Brahmanas were rewarded by grants of land recorded oncopper plateiron platesilver platenone of theseQuestion 13 of 1514. The person who received the land could collect taxes onbetel leaveswoven clothesvehiclesall of theseQuestion 14 of 1515. Who invaded the Somnath temple in Gujarat?AkbarMuhammad GhoriMahmud GhazniNone of themQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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Not enough questions