MCQ Class 7 History Chapter 5 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 7th 1. The main occupation of Gond tribes wasblacksmithtradegoldsmithagricultureQuestion 1 of 152. The Ahom tribes migrated fromChinaIranArabMyanmar (Burma)Question 2 of 153. Paik areclan in the Ahom societythe landlordsthe forced labourerspeople wandering from one place to anotherQuestion 3 of 154. Mir Jumla attacked the Ahom in …..?1672166216651670Question 4 of 155. The specialized artisans were……?Soldiers, carpenters, masonssmiths , carpenters, peasantsSmiths, Carpenters, MasonsNoneQuestion 5 of 156. Verna was prescribed by…?ArtisansBrahmansKingsPoetsQuestion 6 of 157. Many societies did not follow the social rules prescribed by the Brahmins, who were they?TribesPoetsPeasantsArtisansQuestion 7 of 158. Khokhar tribes lived in?GujratKashmirPunjabAssamQuestion 8 of 159. Kamal Khan Gakkhar was the mansabdar in the reign of….?JahangirShah jahanAkbarBaburQuestion 9 of 1510. Langahs and Arghuns tribes dominated extensive regions which are….?Southern IndiaMultan and SindhCentral IndiaNorth EastQuestion 10 of 1511. Kolis lived particularly in many areas of?Andhra pradeshGujaratTamil NaduNagalandQuestion 11 of 1512. Mongols were hunter-gatherer tribes inhabited in ….?Central AsiaEsatern AsiaSouth AsiaWest asiaQuestion 12 of 1513. Who assumed the title of Sangram Shah?DalpatBir narainChaman dasAman DasQuestion 13 of 1514. The 84 villages or Chaurasi were further divided into what?ClanTandasBarhotsKhelQuestion 14 of 1515. The Cheros were defeated in 1591 by whom?Prithviraj ChauhanMahrana PratapRaja Man SinghAmax SinghQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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