MCQ Class 7 History Chapter 1 Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 7th 1. Which of the following is not the meaning of ‘foreigner’ in the past?AjnabiStrangerIndigenousPardesiQuestion 1 of 102. Which language was spoken during the 14th century in the present Bengal region?AwadhiLahoriGauriTelanganiQuestion 2 of 103. Which is the holy book of Muslims?RamayanaGitaAdi-PuranQuranQuestion 3 of 104. Who had accepted the authority of the early Muslim leaders?ShiasSunnisKhalifasNone of theseQuestion 4 of 105. Prosperity in the subcontinent attracted trading companies of which region?RussianEuropeanAustralianNone of theseQuestion 5 of 106. The word Rajput was derived from …..?RajyaRajasthanRajputanaRajputraQuestion 6 of 107. Who used to copy down scripts?HistoriansScribesArcheologistsCartographersQuestion 7 of 108. What were the new crops and beverages that arrived in the Indian Subcontinent in the medieval period?CoffeeTeaCornAllQuestion 8 of 109. Their knowledge of Sanskrit texts earned the Brahmanas a lot of respect in society. Their dominant position was consolidated by the support of the………?HistoriansPeopleStudentsPatronsQuestion 9 of 1010. What is the idea of bhakti –Preaching from scripturesIdol worshipof a loving, personal deity that devotees could reach without the aid of priests or elaborate rituals.Worshipping the kingQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
I got 8/10 in my first attempt 🥇
I scored 10/10.This quiz is very interesting
I got 8/10 in my first 🥇🏆 try .It is so nice 🙂
It is good app I scored 10/10 in my exams.