MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 9 Friction Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. Friction is anon-contact forcecontact forcemagnetic forceelectrostatic forceQuestion 1 of 202. Which of the following produces least friction?Sliding frictionRolling frictionComposite frictionStatic frictionQuestion 2 of 203. Friction alwaysopposes the motionhelps the motionboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 3 of 204. Friction can be reduced by usingoilgreasepowderall of theseQuestion 4 of 205. Static friction is less thansliding frictionrolling frictionboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 5 of 206. Whenever the surfaces in contact tend to move or move with respect to each other, the force of friction comes into playonly if the objects are solidonly if one of the two objects is liquidonly if one of the two objects is gaseousirrespective of whether the objects are solid, liquid or gaseousQuestion 6 of 207. To sharpen the blade of a knife by rubbing it against a surface, which of the following will be most suitable?StonePlastic blockWooden blockGlass blockQuestion 7 of 208. The shape of an aeroplane is like adog birdcarall of theseQuestion 8 of 209. Friction isfoefriendboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 9 of 2010. Friction due to fluids is calledforcepressurefrictiondragQuestion 10 of 2011. Which of the following is not a smooth surface?Surface of wet soapSurface of tyresGlazed tilesSurface of mirrorQuestion 11 of 2012. A toy car released with the same initial speed will travel farthest onmuddy surfacepolished marble surfacecemented surfacebrick surfaceQuestion 12 of 2013. If we apply oil on door hinges, the friction willincreasedecreasedisappear altogetherwill remain unchangedQuestion 13 of 2014. Lubricantreduce friction increase frictionboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 14 of 2015. Force of friction depends onroughness of surfacesmoothness of surfaceinclination of surfaceall of theseQuestion 15 of 2016. Force of friction depends onroughness of surfaceweightsizeall of theseQuestion 16 of 2017. Fluids areliquidsgasesboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 17 of 2018. Which is a streamlined object?BoatsAeroplanesShipsAll of theseQuestion 18 of 2019. Smooth surface hasless friction more frictionsometimes less and sometimes moreall of theseQuestion 19 of 2020. Which of the following is responsible for wearing out of bicycle tyres?Muscular forceMagnetic forceFrictional forceElectrostatic forceQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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goodmorning ma’am its help full for me .
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This is a very good platform i scored full amarks in my pt1 exam
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It is in 8 th science guide . But is usefull for who doesn’t have guide . Good 🙂
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