MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Reproduction in Animals Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. The number of modes by which animals reproduce aretwothreefournone of theseQuestion 1 of 202. Binary fission is observed inHydrayeastAmoebahuman beingQuestion 2 of 203. Asexual reproduction is observed incowbuffalospongehenQuestion 3 of 204. In Hydra, the mode of reproduction isasexualsexualboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 4 of 205. The animals that produce new young ones are calledviviparousoviparousbothnone of theseQuestion 5 of 206. The male gamete or sperm consists ofthree partstwo partsfour partsnone of theseQuestion 6 of 207. Ovum or eggs are formed inovarytestespenisovidentQuestion 7 of 208. Internal fertilisation takes placeinside male bodyinside female bodyoutside female bodyoutside male bodyQuestion 8 of 209. In humans, the development of fertilised egg takes place in theovaryoviducttestisuterusQuestion 9 of 2010. The cell formed after fertilisation is calledovaryuterustestesZygoteQuestion 10 of 2011. The fusion of sperm and ova usually occur in theovaryuterustestesoviductQuestion 11 of 2012. Sets of reproductive terms are given below. Choose the set that has an incorrect combination.Sperm, testis, sperm duct, penisMenstruation, egg, oviduct, uterusSperm, oviduct, egg, uterusOvulation, egg, oviduct, uterusQuestion 12 of 2013. Which of the following shows external fertilisation?FrogHuman beingCowHenQuestion 13 of 2014. Which one of the following is not a part of female reproductive organs?UterusOvaryOviductPenisQuestion 14 of 2015. In the list of animals given below, hen is the odd one out. human being, cow, dog, hen’ The reason for this isit undergoes internal fertilisation it is oviparousit is viviparousit undergoes external fertilisationQuestion 15 of 2016. Animals exhibiting external fertilisation produce a large number of gametes. Pick the appropriate reason from the followingThe animals are small in size and want to produce more offspringsFood is available in plenty in waterTo ensure better chance of fertilisationWater promotes production of large number of gametesQuestion 16 of 2017. Which is not a viviparous animal?Human beingCowDogButterflyQuestion 17 of 2018. Budding occurs inAmoebadogParameciumyeastQuestion 18 of 2019. The female gamete is calledovaspermzygoteuterusQuestion 19 of 2020. The male gamete is calledspermovaembryozygoteQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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It is very useful for me in exams . I do my best in science .Thanks for this wonderful website.
I will waste money. What u do?
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My exam is on 30th September, and I sincerely want to thank you for this MCQ platform, E Vidhyarthi.
Monday is my exam, I am sure that I will score a good percentage!!
Very usefull, Monday is my exam ! I am sure that I will get a good percentage.
it is very important question
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Thankyou so much sir it improve my silly mistakes
It is very useful for me in my exam
Nice rhyming sir
Not very well it is very good 😊
Thanks i will make sure that in exam I do my best in science and other subjects
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