MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Conservation of Plants and Animals Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. The clearing of forests is referred to asreforestationdesertificationdeforestationsanitationQuestion 1 of 202. Deforestation leads toan increase in the temperature of the earthimbalance of O2 and CO2increase in rainfallboth (a) and (b)Question 2 of 203. Which of the following gases is needed by plants for photosynthesis?OxygenNitrogenCarbon dioxideSulphurQuestion 3 of 204. Name the process undertaken by plants for preparing their own food.IndustrialisationPhotosynthesisStealingSterilisationQuestion 4 of 205. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide results inwinter seasonglobal warmingrainfallall of theseQuestion 5 of 206. The reduction in rainfall could causedroughtscoldgreenerynone of theseQuestion 6 of 207. The removal of top layer of soil leads todesertificationrainfallsnowfalldeforestationQuestion 7 of 208. Name the sphere that supports life, and where living organisms exist.AtmosphereLithosphereBiosphereNone of theseQuestion 8 of 209. The variety of organisms living on the earth, is referred to asbiodiversityfood chainlithosphererelationshipQuestion 9 of 2010. Name a biosphere reserve where the plants and animals are similar to those of the upper Himalayan ranges and lower western ghats.Nanda Devi Biosphere ReserveKaziranga Biosphere ReservePachmarhi Biosphere ReserveDudhwa National ParkQuestion 10 of 2011. Which of the following activities are prohibited in national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves?PoachingHuntingFelling treesAll of theseQuestion 11 of 2012. Name the areas where animals are protected from any disturbance to them and their habitat.SanctuaryBiodiversityPalacesBeachQuestion 12 of 2013. Name the areas reserved for wildlife where they can freely use the habitats and national resources.National parksSanctuaryOceansHomesQuestion 13 of 2014. Large areas of protected land for conservation of wildlife, plant and animal resources and traditional life of the tribals living in the area are referred to asbiosphere reservessanctuariesall of theseQuestion 14 of 2015. The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve consists one national park namedborisatpuraananddudhwaQuestion 15 of 2016. The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve consists two wildlife sanctuaries namedBori and PachmarhiPachmarhi and SatpuraSatpura and Borinone of theseQuestion 16 of 2017. The plants found in a particular area are termed asflorafaunaspeciesall of the aboveQuestion 17 of 2018. The animal found in a particular area are termed asflorafaunadogshumansQuestion 18 of 2019. Those species of plants and animals that are found exclusively in a particular area are termed asendemic speciesexclusive speciesparticular speciessignificant speciesQuestion 19 of 2020. The killing of animals illegally is referred to asassassinatingpoachingkillinghuntingQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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the cutting of tree is deforetation
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Science. Chapter. Seven. questions. Answer
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