MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Light Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. A smooth shining surface, which rebounds the light back in same or in different direction, is calleda mirrora lensreflection of lightpoint of incidenceQuestion 1 of 202. Beam of light striking the reflecting surface is calledreflecting rayincident rayrefracted raynormal rayQuestion 2 of 203. Band of seven colours is calledVIBGYORspectrumdispersionreflectionQuestion 3 of 204. Front balged part of the eyeball is calledcorneachoroidpupilretinaQuestion 4 of 205. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding rods and cones in the human eye?Cones are sensitive to dim lightCones are sensitive to bright lightRods are sensitive to bright lightRods can sense colourQuestion 5 of 206. In case of reflection of light, the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of reflection (r) are related as i = ri < r i > rno definite relationQuestion 6 of 207. Name the type of mirror used as a backview mirror.Plane mirrorConcave mirrorConvex mirrorAny of theseQuestion 7 of 208. Visually impaired people can read and write usingelectronic writerdigital pensbraille systemhearing aidsQuestion 8 of 209. The image formed by a camera and a simple microscope are respectivelyreal and realreal and virtualvirtual and virtualvirtual and realQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the angle of incidence of a ray if the reflected ray is at an angle of 90° to the incident ray?60°45°90°180°Question 10 of 2011. The splitting of white light into its seven constituent colours is calledrefractiondispersiondeviationreflectionQuestion 11 of 2012. The defect due to which a person is not able to see the distant objects clearly:MyopiaHypermetropiaCorneaCataractQuestion 12 of 2013. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled byeye lenscorneairisciliary muscleQuestion 13 of 2014. Myopia can be corrected by using aconcave lensconvex lensopaque lensmicro lensQuestion 14 of 2015. Light enters the eye througheye lenspupilcornearetinaQuestion 15 of 2016. If the angle of incidence of light falling on a plane mirror is 30°, what will be the angle of reflection?90°60°30°0°Question 16 of 2017. When we stand in front of our dressing table, our left hand seems to be right and right seems to be left. This is calledLeft-right confusion Lateral inversionUp -side down phenomenonmirageQuestion 17 of 2018. Light passing through a prism splits into seven colours. This is calledDispersionDissolutionDivisionNone of the aboveQuestion 18 of 2019. Rainbow is a natural phenomenon showingReflectionDeflectionDispersionDiversionQuestion 19 of 2020. In the retina of the eye, the area having no sensory cells is calledirisBlind spotcorneaDark spotQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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