MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Some Natural Phenomena Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is calledearthinglightningoscillation motionelectron movementQuestion 1 of 202. The power of an earthquake is expressed on a scale calledseismic scaleiron scalerichter scalelarge scaleQuestion 2 of 203. Which instrument is used to measure earthquake?Richter scaleSeismographPolygraphNone of theseQuestion 3 of 204. Which is not a natural phenomena?EarthquakesCyclonesLightningEarthingQuestion 4 of 205. How many types of charges are gained by rubbing objects?2134Question 5 of 206. Where is the lightning rod attached to protect the building from lightning?On the top of the buildingOn the bottom of the buildingIn the middle of the building All of theseQuestion 6 of 207. Lightning always followsa thunder rain pourthe easiest patha straight pathQuestion 7 of 208. Tsunami meansearthquakefloodsearthquake under the seaeruption of volcano in a seaQuestion 8 of 209. The waves produced on the earth’s surface is calledseismic wavelongitudinal waveMicro waveRadio waveQuestion 9 of 2010. Amber is ametalrubberresinsugarQuestion 10 of 2011. Which is the surest test of charge on a body?RepulsionLightningCombustionInsulationQuestion 11 of 2012. Which of the following can be charged with static electricity ?MetalAlloyInsulatorSemiconductorQuestion 12 of 2013. Which of the following occurs during lightning?Acid rainNitrogen fixationGreen house effectEarthingQuestion 13 of 2014. Which of the following can be charged by rubbing?EbonitePlasticAmberAll of theseQuestion 14 of 2015. When two bodies are rubbed against each other, they acquireequal and like chargesequal and unlike chargesunequal and like chargesunequal and unlike chargesQuestion 15 of 2016. It is a convention to call the charge acquired by a glass rod when it is rubbed with silk as __________NegativePositiveNeutralCan be any oneQuestion 16 of 2017. A device used to test whether an object is carrying charge or not is called ______.ElectrometerCharge meterElectroscopeChargoscopeQuestion 17 of 2018. During lightning actually _____________ takes placeElectric dischargeElectric chargingElectric charge accumulationAll of the aboveQuestion 18 of 2019. During a thunderstorm which action may be done?Using Telephone having cordSwitching on / off electric lightsUsing a mobile phoneNone of the aboveQuestion 19 of 2020. To protect tall buildings from the damage of lightning, what can be done?Not to build tall buildingsInstall lightning conductorsInstall many TV antennasHave a roof top garden with tall treesQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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