MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 11 Chemical Effects of Electric Current Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. Which of the following is a bad conductor of electricity?Distilled waterSilver nitrateSulphuric acidCopper sulphateQuestion 1 of 202. Which of the following does not conduct electricity?Sugar solutionVinegar solutionLemon juice solutionCaustic soda solutionQuestion 2 of 203. An electric current can produceheating effectchemical effectmagnetic effectall of theseQuestion 3 of 204. Pure or distilled water is apoor conductorgood conductorboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 4 of 205. Which of the following is a good conductor?BrickSteelPlasticCottonQuestion 5 of 206. Polythene isa conductoran insulatorboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 6 of 207. Electroplating is based onheating effect of electricitychemical effect of electricityphysical effect of electricitymagnetic effect of electricityQuestion 7 of 208. Copper is a good conductor an insulatorboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 8 of 209. Waste from an electroplating factory must be disposed offin the nearby riverin the nearby pondin the nearby cornfieldaccording to the disposal guidelines of Waste Management BodiesQuestion 9 of 2010. An electrolyte isa metala liquid that conducts currenta non-metalnone of theseQuestion 10 of 2011. Flow of electron is calledelectrolyteelectroplatingelectrodeselectric currentQuestion 11 of 2012. Which is not a non-electrolyte?Ethyl alcoholSodium chlorideUreaSodium solutionQuestion 12 of 2013. An electric lamp glows due toheating effectmagnetic effectchemical effectphysical effectQuestion 13 of 2014. Electroplating preventscorrosionpassing of currentdissociationshiningQuestion 14 of 2015. Which of the following is not used for electroplating metal articles?NickelSilverChromiumSodiumQuestion 15 of 2016. Iron objects can be protected by electroplating them withchromiumnickelzincall of theseQuestion 16 of 2017. In LEDs, the longer lead (wire) is always connected to the _______ terminalnegativeneutralpositiveAny terminalQuestion 17 of 2018. Tap water is a good conductor of electricity while distilled water is not becauseTap water contain saltsDistilled water do not contain saltOnly (a) is correctBoth (a) & (b) is correctQuestion 18 of 2019. When electrodes are immersed in water and electricity passed, the bubbles formed on the positive terminal is actually _______ gas.HydrogenCarbon dioxideOxygenBoth A & CQuestion 19 of 2020. When electrodes are immersed in water and electricity passed, the bubbles formed on the negative terminal is actually _______ gas.HydrogenCarbon dioxideOxygenNitrogenQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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