MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Reaching the Age of Adolescence Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. The reproductive phase of a woman lies between her _____ and menopause.menarchemenstrual cyclemenstruationovulationQuestion 1 of 112. Which of the following should an adolescent choose for his/her meal?Chapathi, dal and vegetablesChips, noodles and aerated beveragesVegetable cutlets, chips and lemonadeRice, noodles and popcornQuestion 2 of 113. A female gamete carries ________ Xone Yone X and one Ytwo XQuestion 3 of 114. Which of the following is the cause of the condition shown belowLack of potassium in the dietLack of calcium in the bonesExcess of iron in the bloodLack of iodine in the dietQuestion 4 of 115. HIV virus will not be present in which of the following?SemenBloodSweatBreast milkQuestion 5 of 116. The time period when the body undergoes changes, leading to reproductive maturity is called _____.adolescenceGrowthsenescencedevelopmentQuestion 6 of 117. Which of the following viruses causes AIDS?RhinovirusH1N1 virusZika virusHIVQuestion 7 of 118. In girls, the ovaries and eggs become mature and ovaries begin to release ovum by the process of ______.oogenesisOvulationFertilizationOogamyQuestion 8 of 119. Which among the following is the change seen in girls during puberty?Growth of facial hairCracking of voiceBroader shouldersBreast developmentQuestion 9 of 1110. A human gamete has ________ sex chromosome.HalfTwoOneFourQuestion 10 of 1111. The pituitary gland is located below the ______.Thalamushypothalamusvas deferensmedulla oblongataQuestion 11 of 11 Loading...
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Thanku for this question ❓⁉️ it is very useful for me 🙂 and you know tomorrow ☺️ is my school tast and this question is very useful for me,😍❤️
It is very help full for me . It is like that I am giving a exam of MCQs . And then required answers just like exam .
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i love evidyarthi it helps me a lot in my exams