MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Reproduction in Animals Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to:Fulfil their energy requirementContinue their speciesMaintain growthKeep the individual organism aliveQuestion 1 of 182. The number of eggs produced in internal fertilisation isequal to external fertilisationmore than external fertilizationless than external fertilizationmore or less than external fertilisation depending on the environmental conditionsQuestion 2 of 183. How many parents are involved in sexual reproduction?1420Question 3 of 184. After fertilisation, the ________ divides repeatedly to give rise to a ball of cells.EmbryoOvumSpermZygoteQuestion 4 of 185. Budding is seen in ________ .bacteriaHumansAmoebaHydraQuestion 5 of 186. Which of the following is not a part of the male reproductive system?TestesVas deferensOvaryPenisQuestion 6 of 187. A Paramecium reproduces by dividing itself into two daughter cells. This process is calledbinary fissionBuddingvegetative propagationRegenerationQuestion 7 of 188. The female gamete produced by the ovary is called ___. It is haploid in nature.ZygotespermovumblastulaQuestion 8 of 189. Which of the following is the site of fertilisation in humans?UterusOvaryFallopian tubeVaginaQuestion 9 of 1810. Which of the following is not an oviparous animal?FrogCowSilkwormHenQuestion 10 of 1811. Name the process in which tadpoles develop into young frogs.MetamorphosisEmbeddingBuddingFertilisationQuestion 11 of 1812. The process by which organisms make copies of themselves is called ________ .photosynthesistranspirationreproductionrespirationQuestion 12 of 1813. The eggs in females is produced by theSpermovariesZygotetestesQuestion 13 of 1814. Female reproductive system in human beings contains __________ .single ovarya triplet of ovariesa pair of ovariestwo pairs of ovariesQuestion 14 of 1815. The testes produce male gametes called ________ .FoetusOvumSpermsZygoteQuestion 15 of 1816. Female gamete in humans is called _______ .UterusspermOvaryOvaQuestion 16 of 1817. Which of the following is an example of a viviparous animal?HenCatCobraFishQuestion 17 of 1818. In which of the following organisms does metamorphosis take place?All of the givenButterflyFrogsSilkwormQuestion 18 of 18 Loading...
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I got 18 out of 18 the website is very helpful to me to become the topper thanks a lot evidharthi🙏
This is the best website for students to check what they have learned 🙂😊
Wow!it is very nice . I like it 😀
You website is very useful for student 😄😄
In my book, the site of fertilization is the oviduct.
Very helpful.
I also got 18 out of 18.
Tomorrow is my exam.
Very helpful.
Thank you so much for these questions. 🥰 I got 18 out of 18. This is very helpful before exams
Nice practice for students before their exam. Very good questions are taken. Questions makes us to think very deeply . 😋😋😋
I got 17 out of 18. It is good for all the students those are going to this site. It is the best website ever 🥰❤️❤️💝💖💕
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Name:- shivam senapati
Class:- VIII “B”
Time:- 11:08 pm
Date:- 18 Oct 2024
I also got 18 out of 18 it is clear that this website is good for a student 💫💫
Hm dear💫
I also got 18/18 Marks it is right that this website is very helpful to student 🤝🩵🩵💙💝
I got full marks and thus website is very helpful for students 😄😄
I got 18 out of 18 correct 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
I guess this website is one of the best websites. Evidyarthi support the students alot. Today I am the topper of my whole school half of the credit go to e vidyarthi. I also wanna say that the mcq are also so much helpful 😊😊