MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Sound Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. Sound can travel through:solids, liquids and gasesgases onlysolids onlyliquids onlyQuestion 1 of 182. Vibration in a body produce:soundenergyheatnone of theseQuestion 2 of 183. Drum produces sound from:vibrating stringsvibrating membranevibrating stretched membranenone of theseQuestion 3 of 184. Frequency of oscillations is:the number of oscillations per secondthe number of oscillations per minutethe number of oscillations per hournone of theseQuestion 4 of 185. The unit of frequency is:hertz / hourhertzhertz /sechertz / minQuestion 5 of 186. The frequency determines the of a sound.both loudness and pitchloudnesspitchnone of theseQuestion 6 of 187. The ultrasound equipment works at frequencies:less than 20 Hzhigher than 20,000 Hzlower than 20,000 Hznone of theseQuestion 7 of 188. Trees planted along the roads reduces the harmful effect of:air pollutionnoise pollutionboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 8 of 189. Number of vocal cords in human is:fouronetwonone of theseQuestion 9 of 1810. Propagation of sound is fastest In:vacuumliquidsgasessolidsQuestion 10 of 1811. Sound does not travel in:liquidsgasesvacuumsolidsQuestion 11 of 1812. Unwanted and unpleasant sounds are called:air pollutionnoisenoise pollutionmusicQuestion 12 of 1813. Process of receiving sound vibrations and sensing them by brain is called :hearingproducingspeakingsensingQuestion 13 of 1814. Voice box has stretched string like parts, which vibrate to produce sound are called:arterieslarynxvocal cordsnervesQuestion 14 of 1815. Large amplitude of sound vibrations will produce:meak soundloud soundslow soundshreakQuestion 15 of 1816. The range of audible sound for human ear is:from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hzless than 20 Hzmore than 20,000 Hznone of theseQuestion 16 of 1817. The amplitude of the sound wave decides its:speedloudnesspitchnone of theseQuestion 17 of 1818. If the amplitude becomes twice than the loudness of sound increases by a factor of:42no changenone of theseQuestion 18 of 18 Loading...
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