MCQ Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 8th 1. The Crops which are grown in rainy season are calledKharif cropRabi cropSeasonal cropMonsoon cropQuestion 1 of 122. Now a days seed is sown in the field usingSeed PloughSeed TillerSeed TractorSeed drillQuestion 2 of 123. Which of the following description is true for describing ‘fertiliser’Produced in factoriesUsed in large quantityOrganic in natureDoes not cause pollutionQuestion 3 of 124. Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to break soil to the size of grains to get better yield. The main tools used for such areBullock, tiller, tractorPlough, Seed Drill, TractorTractor, Hoe, Seed drillPlough, Hoe, CultivatorQuestion 4 of 125. Growing different crops alternately on the same land is technically calledCrop ChangeCrop RevolutionCrop AlternationCrop RotationQuestion 5 of 126. The farm appliance ‘Combine’ is a combinedHarvester cum SprayerSeed drill cum ThresherPlough and HarvesterHarvester and ThresherQuestion 6 of 127. In which of the following methods of irrigation rotating nozzles are used?Chain PumpMoatDrip systemSprinkler systemQuestion 7 of 128. The process of separating grains from chaff is known as:transplantationthreshingharvestingwinnowingQuestion 8 of 129. Which of the following nutrients replenish the soil after growing leguminous plants?PotassiumNitrogenOxygenPhosphorusQuestion 9 of 1210. Watering the crops is calledirrigationmanuringsowingtillingQuestion 10 of 1211. Pesticides are used to destroy:cropspestsweedsnone of theseQuestion 11 of 1212. The farm appliance ‘Combine’ is a combinedHarvester cum SprayerPlough and HarvesterSeed drill cum ThresherHarvester and ThresherQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
Very good website. I really liked this website
I got 12 out of 18 in this chapter. I was always confused about winnowing and threshing 🤔, but after doing these questions, my doubt is clear 🤗💞.
Evidyarthi 🙏🏻😊
Superb ….
Indirect revision of chapter
This website this is a very good for test revision
This website is very useful students and teachers
This is very useful for student and teacher
this website is very useful for students
This website is actually a really helpful website and from this website we can indirectly revise the chapter very well .