MCQ Chapter 1 Sanskrit Class 8 Ruchira संस्कृत Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Sanskrit Class 8thसुभाषितानि – CBSE 1. कस्यां रोचमानायां सर्वं कुलं रोचते ?विद्यायाम्स्त्रियाम्मायायाम् लक्ष्म्याम्Question 1 of 102. लुब्धस्य अर्थः कः ?आलसीचुगलचोरकंजूस लोभीQuestion 2 of 103. मधुरसूक्तरसं के सृजन्ति ?सन्त:असन्त:वसन्त:कुसन्तQuestion 3 of 104. कस्य यश: नश्यति ?पिशुनस्यलुब्धस्यनराधिपस्य कृपणस्यQuestion 4 of 105. तद्भागधेयं ………………. पशूनाम् ?नरकम्स्वर्गम्अधमम् परमम्Question 5 of 106. ‘विषाणहीन’: शब्दस्य क: अर्थ: ?सींग के साथ सींग सेसींग मेंसींग के बिनाQuestion 6 of 107. खादन्नपि (खादन्+अपि) शब्दस्य क: अर्थ: ?खाते हुए भीजाते हुए भीपीते हुए भीगाते हुए भीQuestion 7 of 108. वायसा: शब्दस्य क: अर्थ: ?कोयलकौएकबूतर चिड़ियाQuestion 8 of 109. वहिन्ना शब्दस्य क: अर्थ: ?अग्नि में अग्नि के लिएअग्नि द्वाराअग्नि काQuestion 9 of 1010. सृजन्ति शब्दस्य क: अर्थ: ?निमार्ण करते हैं निमार्ण करता हैनिमार्ण करता हूंनिमार्ण करेंगेQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
I scored in Sanskrit 7/10
I got 10/10 and 60/60 in sanskriti exam in half yearly. Thanks to e vidyarthi team thanks you
I got 10/10 and 60/60 in sanskriti exam in half yearly. Thanks to e vidyarthi team thanks you
I have got 8/10.
These MCQ are very helpful.
I got 10/10
I got very helpful website thank you
Very helpful but can you please 🥺🙏 provide revision test paper of all CHP please
I have 10/9 yes
Scored 8/10
I got 8/10
Good website to learn from
I scored 10 / 10 . Really nice website
I got 10 /10 and 60 / 60 in Sanskrit exam this half yearly . Thanks to evidyarthi team