MCQ Class 8 Geography Chapter 3 Agriculture Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Geography Class 8th 1. Shifting Cultivation is known as ____ in Malaysia.RabiLadang JhummingKharifQuestion 1 of 142. Seeds are one of _____ of agriculture.labourinputoutputprocessQuestion 2 of 143. Growing flowers are identified underViticulturePiscicultureHorticultureSericultureQuestion 3 of 144. The word ‘agriculture’ has been derived from Latin wordagaragriagerageriQuestion 4 of 145. Fishing is an example ofAgriculture activityTertiary activitySecondary activityPrimary activityQuestion 5 of 146. An example of tertiary activity isfishingAgricultureHuntingAdvertisingQuestion 6 of 147. Cultivation of grapes is defined asAgricultureSericultureViticultureHorticultureQuestion 7 of 148. One of the inputs required in farming isMachineryHuman ResourcecropsslopeQuestion 8 of 149. Which of the following physical input is required in agriculture?sloperainfallSunlightlabourQuestion 9 of 1410. Following animal is a part of the nomadic herdrabbitsoxcamelcatsQuestion 10 of 1411. Jhumming is practised in ____ India.South- westWestSouthNorth – EastQuestion 11 of 1412. Arable land island where mining takes placeland where crops are grownland which is cleared for agricultureland where trees are cutQuestion 12 of 1413. ____ is a primary activity.Pesticide preparationAgricultureOil refiningFood processingQuestion 13 of 1414. Across the globe, more than ___% of people are engaged in agriculture30504025Question 14 of 14 Loading...
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