MCQ Class 6 History Chapter 7 From A Kingdom To An Empire Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 6th 1. Which are the animals shown in our national Emblem?GoatsLionsBullsBoth B & CQuestion 1 of 132. How many lions are shown in our national Emblem?TwoThreeFourFiveQuestion 2 of 133. What was name of grandfather of Ashoka?KrishnaMahaviraSidharthaChandragupta MauryaQuestion 3 of 134. In which book were Chanakya’s ideas written?RamayanaMahabharataArthashastraNone of theseQuestion 4 of 135. Who was supported by a wise man named Chanakya?AshokaBindusarChandraguptaAll of theseQuestion 5 of 136. Who was Bindusar’s son?ChandraguptaSidharthaAshokaRam Krishna ParamhansQuestion 6 of 137. From which area was Taxila and Ujjain ruled?PataliputraBiharDelhiAgraQuestion 7 of 138. In which language were the Ashoka’s inscriptions written?Dev NagariSanskritTamilBrahmi ScriptQuestion 8 of 139. What is the meaning of word Dhamma?EnvironmentDharmaBoth (a) and (b)None of theseQuestion 9 of 1310. How many towers supported the massive wall of Pataliputra?670870570470Question 10 of 1311. How many people were killed in the war of Kalinga?More than 20,000More than 40,000More than 60,000More than one LakhQuestion 11 of 1312. Which is the other animal on Mauryan Pillar?LionCatDogBullQuestion 12 of 1313. How can ‘a’ be written in Bengali?अत्रञभQuestion 13 of 13 Loading... MCQ – From A Kingdom To An Empire – Chapter 7 – History – Social Science Class 6
Excellent website, very useful and beneficial Thank you
Chanakya was the ruler of Kalinga
Good question
Nice question please give so many things, like MCQ fill in the blanks
MCQ chapter number 6 ke objective
Thanku for your help.
This website is very good and useful for us
Very good👍