MCQ Class 6 History Chapter 10 Buildings, Paintings, and Books Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 6th 1. In which city is the iron pillar of Mehrauli located?BiharMathuraDelhiChandigarhQuestion 1 of 112. What is height of the iron Pillar?12 Mts7.2 Mts5.0 Mts8.2 MtsQuestion 2 of 113. What does stupa mean?moundroundtallshortQuestion 3 of 114. Who are the God and Goddess whose statues are worshipped in Temples?Shiva, Vishnu and DurgaIndira Gandhi and Rajiv GandhiAll of theseNone of theseQuestion 4 of 115. Name the hall where people could assemble.MandapaShikharasGarbhagrihaNone of theseQuestion 5 of 116. Who composed Silappadikaram?IlangoBanbhattaKalidasaAll of theseQuestion 6 of 117. Who composed Meghaduta?BanbhattaKalidasaSurdasaNone of theseQuestion 7 of 118. In which language were the Puranas written?HindiTamilSanskritEnglishQuestion 8 of 119. Which war was fought between the Kauravas and Pandavas?RamayanaMahabharatBoth of theseNone of theseQuestion 9 of 1110. Which was the capital of Kosala?HastinapurAyodhyaKamalDelhiQuestion 10 of 1111. Who was Aryabhatta?MathematicianZoologistArchaeologistNone of theseQuestion 11 of 11 Loading... MCQ – Chapter 10 – Buildings, Paintings and Books – History – Social Science Class 6
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History class 6 ch 10 mcq