MCQ Class 6 History Chapter 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 6th 1. Magadha and __________ are examples of monarchical mahajanapadasShakyasLichchhavisVajjiVatsaQuestion 1 of 122. Who was the central figure in the Ashvamedha sacrificeMinistersSoldiersPurohitKingQuestion 2 of 123. Why did the rulers collect regular taxes?For maintaining big armiesFor building huge fortsBoth (a) and (b)None of theseQuestion 3 of 124. Who was son of BimbisaraAjatashatruAshokaMauryaNandaQuestion 4 of 125. ____ had a large deposits of iron-oreUjjayiniMallaVajjiMagadhaQuestion 5 of 126. Who was the king of Magadha who ruled between 547 to 495 B.CAhsokaAjatashatruBimbisaraNandaQuestion 6 of 127. The ‘ashvamedha’ was the sacrifice ofgoathorsecowbullQuestion 7 of 128. One-sixth of the produce was taken as tax fromTradersfarmershunter-gathererscrafts-personsQuestion 8 of 129. Which of the following is not among the four varnasShaktiVaishyasKshatriyasBrahminQuestion 9 of 1210. Spices and precious stones came to Magadha fromTaxilaSouth IndiaUjjayiniPunjabQuestion 10 of 1211. Which among the following is not capital of big cities of that periodAngaPawaRajgrihaChampaQuestion 11 of 1212. Who was the founder of Nanda DynastyPadma NandaMahanara NandaMahapadma NandaMaha NandaQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
Yes ye book se bahar ka question hai
These topics are not In the book 😤😤😡
Nice process to guide the students