Solutions For All Chapters Honeysuckle Class 6
Part I (Many Voices)
Working with the Text
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Peter’s favourite day of the week is Sunday because_______
Ans. ……. on this day the whole family goes to see a film.
2. Nasir wants to learn__________
Ans. … how to collect and preserve cotton seeds.
3.Dolma believes that she can make a good Prime Minister because____
Ans. ……. she hopes to make things better for everyone, to have great scientists and doctors, good hospitals and roads and schools.
B. Write True or False against each of the following statements.
1.Peter is an only child. ______
2.When Serbjit gets angry he shouts at people. _______
3.Nasir lives in the city. ______
4.Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with her. _______
Ans. 1. False; 2. False; 3. False; 4. True.
Part II (Multiple Intelligences)
Working with the Text
Fill in the blanks to name the different kinds of intelligence. One has been done for you.
When I enjoy listening to people and solving their problems I use my interpersonal intelligence.
1. When I enjoy dancing or physical activity, I use my ……….. intelligence.
2. When I enjoy looking at maps and examining pictures I use my ……….. intelligence.
3. When I enjoy working with numbers and solving maths problems I use my …………. intelligence.
4. When I enjoy telling a story or arguing, I use my ………….. intelligence.
1. bodily
2. visual
3. mathematical
4. verbal
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