MCQ How The Dog Found Himself Chapter 2 English Class 6 Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Honeysuckle Class 6th 1. Dogs were frightened of wolf who were __________ than he.powerfulstrongerdangerousmore powerfulQuestion 1 of 242. Dogs were once...................... .their own slavestheir own mastersherbivoresthe masters of animalsQuestion 2 of 243. Dogs once lived........................ .in the mountainsin the desertsin slaveryin freedom.Question 3 of 244. The dog was tired of wandering alone in search of......................... .fooda companionwaternone of theseQuestion 4 of 245. The dog felt the need of a......................... .slavemasterkennelnone of theseQuestion 5 of 246. The dog thought of becoming the servant of one who was .......................... .weakest on earthwisest on earthlaziest on earthstrongest on earthQuestion 6 of 247. What did dog asked wolf?Would you like to live with me?Would you like to be my master?Would you like to be my servant?Would you like to share some food with me?Question 7 of 248. Suddenly the wolf lifted his nose and .............................. .sniffeddarted quickly off the pathcrept deeper into the forestall of the aboveQuestion 8 of 249. The dog saw that the wolf was afraid of ........................ .an elephanta deera beara rabbitQuestion 9 of 2410. The dog decided to leave the wolf and take service with the ............................. .deerbearrabbitelephantQuestion 10 of 2411. The dog saw that the bear was stronger than the....................... .wolfliondeernone of theseQuestion 11 of 2412. The dog said goodbye to the bear and went to the..................... .deerwolflionnone of theseQuestion 12 of 2413. The dog found that the man was......................... .weaker than the wolfstrongest of all on earthvery powerfulnone of theseQuestion 13 of 2414. Who were walking side by side along a path ?A man and his dogThe lion and the dogThe wolf and the dogThe bear and the dogQuestion 14 of 2415. How did the lion behave all of a sudden ?He stoppedHe gave a great roarStuck the ground angrily with his pawAll of the aboveQuestion 15 of 2416. The dog served the man .........................dishonestlyhalf heartedlyfaithfullynone of theseQuestion 16 of 2417. The dog found that the lion was afraid of ................the catsthe antsthe mannone of theseQuestion 17 of 2418. The dog served the lion ........................for a short timehalf heartedlyforeverfor a long timeQuestion 18 of 2419. The cows were running in panic because they were afraid of .........................the dogthe lionthe wolfnone of theseQuestion 19 of 2420. The wolf whom the dog met was as strong as he was ................tallfiercefatroundQuestion 20 of 2421. Which animal is the man's most loyal servant ?SnakeDogElephantCatQuestion 21 of 2422. Who ask this question, "Why did I have to come here ?"LionWolfBear DogQuestion 22 of 2423. The bear ran hastily deeper into the ................gardenparlforesthomeQuestion 23 of 2424. Who were mooing loudly ?ElephantCowsHorsesLionsQuestion 24 of 24 Loading...
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