MCQ Urban Livelihoods Chapter 8 Civics Class 6 Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Civics Class 6th 1. Most of the businessman areSelf employedEmployed by governmentEmployed by IndustriesEmployed by othersQuestion 1 of 142. If we feel a problem in our teeth where should we go?DentistTeacherVeterinary clinicPhysicianQuestion 2 of 143. The shopkeepers are given a licence byCourtMunicipal CorporationState governmentCentral GovernmentQuestion 3 of 144. The life of people in urban areas is ________ than the rural areasFasterSameHighly similarSlowerQuestion 4 of 145. People of Chizami district belong to which communityChikharChizakistanChizakhanChakhesangQuestion 5 of 146. Who was ThulasiLarge money lenderLive in townsFish catchersWorks in Ramalingams field as a labourerQuestion 6 of 147. Farmers borrow loan from theMinistersGovernmentBankMoneylendersQuestion 7 of 148. In our country main occupation of people isConstructionServicingManufacturingAgricultureQuestion 8 of 149. Which of the following is false regarding RamalingamRequired loanDepends on labourOwner of rice millsOwner of large cultivated landQuestion 9 of 1410. Excess of revenue over cost is known asTotal costFoxed costAverageProfitQuestion 10 of 1411. Kalpattu village is inAndhra PradeshTamil NaduKarnatakaKeralaQuestion 11 of 1412. Which activity is not related to the cities?Auto rickshawsFishingNewspaper hawker;Flowers shop;Question 12 of 1413. In the village Bachchu Manjhi worked as a:FishingLabour;Mason;Farming;Question 13 of 1414. Vendors sell things that are often prepared at:HomeOfficeFactoryNoneQuestion 14 of 14 Loading...
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