MCQ Chapter 8 English Panorama Poetry Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher 1. The poet of ‘Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to his son’s teacher’ isAbraham LincolnJohn-MiltonShakespeareJohn keatQuestion 1 of 202. When iron is made hot in fire it becomes fineironwoodclaysteelQuestion 2 of 203. The poet advised in the first line, he should be taught to listen to callmenwomengirlchildQuestion 3 of 204. The poet advises the teacher to teaches pupil that for every enemy there iseagerenvyenemyfriendQuestion 4 of 205. The pupil will have to learn that all men are not just and truehonestrightlegalQuestion 5 of 206. One should be taught to fail rather than togivetakestealcheatQuestion 6 of 207. A dollar earned is of far more value thanfive poundtwo poundsix poundone poundQuestion 7 of 208. Abraham Lincoln was the……….president of the U.S.AeleventhseventeenthsixteenthfifteenthQuestion 8 of 209. He should be taught abouttruthcouragedescouragehonestyQuestion 9 of 2010. Let him known sublime faith inmankindmancruelbeliefQuestion 10 of 2011. Let him know not to put aprice limiteasy-workhand-workprice-tagQuestion 11 of 2012. Let him know to fight……..if he things he’s.wrongstronglyrighteasyQuestion 12 of 2013. Teach him to ponder the eternal my story of…….the sun.engageenvolvesbeesroundQuestion 13 of 2014. Teach him the secret of………laughter.goodbetterfirequietQuestion 14 of 2015. Teach him that a dollar earned is of for more value than fivepoundrupeepicemoneyQuestion 15 of 2016. He should to taught to beware of too mucheasynessbitternesssweetnesssoftnessQuestion 16 of 2017. Let him know to hear all but to take only thefineeasybadgoodQuestion 17 of 2018. Let him know the strength not to follow the crowed when everyone is getting on fond …….wagoncarcyclebykeQuestion 18 of 2019. He should be taught that only the best of fire makes finepigironironsteelheavy ironQuestion 19 of 2020. The taught is such a fine fellow Lincolin’s ……sondaughterfellowstudentQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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