MCQ Chapter 5 English Panorama Reader Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9Ismat Chughtai : A Lady with a Difference 1. Ismat fell in love with a Hindu boy who took her to the temple, she loved temple’smoneyprasadflowerdaanQuestion 1 of 152. Ismat believed that there is some power in Islam but she was not………it.dear oflove ofafraid ofhate ofQuestion 2 of 153. Ismat accepted the validity of all religion in the conduct ofwoman lifesocial lifehuman lifeman lifeQuestion 3 of 154. Ismat died on October 24………1990199119921994Question 4 of 155. In Ismat’s…..days she lost her money.deadlinetwilighthighlightnone of theseQuestion 5 of 156. Ismat Chughtai was born in the western Uttar Pradesh at a place calledBadayunAgraVaranasiBaliQuestion 6 of 157. Ismat was not buried but quietly cremated, as she is said to have wished in the electric.AquarisumSanitoriumPlanatoriumCrematoriumQuestion 7 of 158. Not to believe in God.persuationAgnosticismdirt and fifthassociatedQuestion 8 of 159. Considerassociated dirt and fifthvicissitudespersuationQuestion 9 of 1510. Ups and downpersuationassociatedvicissitudesdirt and fifthQuestion 10 of 1511. Ismat’s family name wasIsmat khanam Chughtailstat khanamIspat khanamIsnat khanamQuestion 11 of 1512. Ismat’s delivery was managed by themaid-servantwasher-womensweepresscleanerQuestion 12 of 1513. When Ismat was four-years old. She was introduced to theBagaadadyBagadaadyBagadadiBaghadadi QaedaQuestion 13 of 1514. Ismat completed reading the…… the age of twelveGeetaQuaranRamayanaBibleQuestion 14 of 1515. Ismat was always game for novel experiences, meeting new people and seeing…….places.traditionalancientoldnewQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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