MCQ Chapter 5 English Panorama Reader Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9Ismat Chughtai : A Lady with a Difference 1. Ismat Chughtai was the most courageous andpoetfamous writercontroversial writergreat writerQuestion 1 of 202. Ismat Chughtai was born on 21 August1909191019111912Question 2 of 203. Ismat’s mother was called her nicknameChunniNursatKhannanMunniQuestion 3 of 204. Ismat chughtai’s father was aIPSJudicial Magistrateteachernone of theseQuestion 4 of 205. The lesson “Ismat chughtai: A lady with a difference” has beenRuskin bondBill brysonM. AsaduddinNajmul hasanQuestion 5 of 206. Ismat chughtai wasfirst childsecond childsixth childninth childQuestion 6 of 207. Ismats father was Khan BahadurMirza khanSamsuddinMirza Qasim BaigQuestion 7 of 208. Ismat chughti was neglected –childgirlbabynone of theseQuestion 8 of 209. Ismat’s father retired as deputy collector in1920192419261927Question 9 of 2010. Ismat father died in1930193219351940Question 10 of 2011. ………… Ismat Chughtai was made a ware of the difference between men and women and boys and girls.nightday and nightdayday and day outQuestion 11 of 2012. Ismat chughtai spent her childhood days playing football andvolley ballchesscricketgilli-dandaQuestion 12 of 2013. Ismat chughtai’s writing has transformed the ………of Urdu fiction.darkfarecleancomplexionQuestion 13 of 2014. Ismat’s birth was not greeted withenthusiasmjoygladlysorrowQuestion 14 of 2015. Ismat in her childhood felt so she commented, Amma used tohate mefeed melove menone of theseQuestion 15 of 2016. At last, Ismat told her father that she was not going tomarryhillmarketwalkQuestion 16 of 2017. Ismat’s parents approved for the marriage from a boy who was aprofessordoctordistrict magistratedeputy collectorQuestion 17 of 2018. Ismat early education began atLucknowVaranasiKanpurAgraQuestion 18 of 2019. Ismat found what she termed asmazhal-e-insaniatmazhal-e-quaran mazhal-e-pyarmazhal-e-niyatQuestion 19 of 2020. Ismat Chughtai had studied Islam, christanity andSikhaismChristianismHinduismBudhaismQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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