MCQ Chapter 4 English Panorama Reader Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9The Eyes are not Here 1. The author could see the telegraph postsflashing byrunning bypassing bypassing throughQuestion 1 of 152. The author wondered if she wore her hair in afunsmilelaughinginterestingQuestion 2 of 153. The train reached at Sahranpur. The girl got up and bean to………..her things.reselectselectcollectconductQuestion 3 of 154. When the author remarked the girl had an interesting face the girl laughed a clear…….laugh.ringingturningrunningsingingQuestion 4 of 155. The man who had entered the compartment………….my downbroke out broke intogo downQuestion 5 of 156. The author asked the new comer if the girl had ……..brown hairgolden hairlong hairshort hairQuestion 6 of 157. The man replied that he did not mark it but she had beauiful eyes but they were of no use she was completely…….lamedulldumpblindQuestion 7 of 158. The girl was standing very close to the author, so close that the perfume from her hair wastantalisinggetting downbreaking outbreaking intoQuestion 8 of 159. The author wanted to touch herhandhairfacefingerQuestion 9 of 1510. Pleasant thoughtsslappedinsighteyesightreverieQuestion 10 of 1511. Force one’s a way into.broken outbroken intoinsighteyesightQuestion 11 of 1512. Strike with palmbroken intoreverieslappedeyesightQuestion 12 of 1513. Power of seeing.slappedeyesightreveriebroken intoQuestion 13 of 1514. Power of seeing with the mindeyesightbroken intoslappedinsightQuestion 14 of 1515. Give as an offer bestowedaffluentexpeditionenduranceQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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