MCQ Chapter 3 English Panorama Reader Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9Saint Kabir 1. Kabir was on of the greated poets ofmodern eraBhakti eraAadikalnone of theseQuestion 1 of 152. Kabir was the son of a widow but looked after by Neema andNiharNilokasNeeruNijamQuestion 2 of 153. Kabir was against social.evilsmanillgoodQuestion 3 of 154. Both the orthodox Hindu priests and Maulvisliked Kabirhated Kabirloved Kabirnone of theseQuestion 4 of 155. Kabir was disciple of SaintRamanandaRanadha shastriRamakantnone of theseQuestion 5 of 156. Ramananda tutored Kabir and made him a follower of his liberalbig peoplesocial outlookideanone of theseQuestion 6 of 157. Kabir rejected the Varna and caste sÿstem without mostlovelikenesscontemptaffectionQuestion 7 of 158. Kabir believed………God.OneTwoThreeFourQuestion 8 of 159. Kabir was a……….poet.saintmentortecturetutorQuestion 9 of 1510. Kabir’s sect is known asKabir sakhiKabir panthKabir storyKabir poemQuestion 10 of 1511. Kabir preached no preference for…………rcligion.anysomea feweitherQuestion 11 of 1512. Kabir rejected the practice of untouchability and all divisions based on caste, creed andsocial OutcastetouchabilityreligionQuestion 12 of 1513. Kabir’s teaching is total rejection ofcaste-systemsocial workersocial outsocial mediaQuestion 13 of 1514. Saint Guru Nanak was greatly………… Kabir.enduranceexpeditionafflucentinfluencedQuestion 14 of 1515. Kabir was able to convey his message oftake carekindlovehateQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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