MCQ Chapter 3 English Panorama Reader Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9Saint Kabir 1. Kabir was against………..system.sati-prathacastereligionnone of theseQuestion 1 of 202. Kabir was from 1448 AD to………1528 AD1518 AD1538 AD1548 ADQuestion 2 of 203. Kabir belonged to the downtrodden……….societynatureculturenone of theseQuestion 3 of 204. Kabir was looked after by a………..couple.BudhHinduMuslimSikhQuestion 4 of 205. Kabir was the…….of a widow.husbandsonfatherbrotherQuestion 5 of 206. Kabir became a disciple of……… his young age.RamakantRamabhavRamanandRamashankerQuestion 6 of 207. Kabir was against…………evilscountryfamilysocialnone of theseQuestion 7 of 208. Kabir fought elitism and………….badsocial elementorthodoxyevilQuestion 8 of 209. Ramanand guided Kabir to be a social…………evilmediadramaworkerQuestion 9 of 2010. Kabir was believer of personal…………Godhuman beingmatterthingsQuestion 10 of 2011. Kabir’s poems are in……………PoetryChandamamaGuru GranthChampakQuestion 11 of 2012. Kabir preached…………toleranceunkindnessviolencenone of theseQuestion 12 of 2013. Kabir rejected the authority of the traditional scripture and the men prevailing superstitions belief in both the Hindu and the………..SikhMuslimsHinduBudhQuestion 13 of 2014. Kabir was looked after by a couple, Neema and NeeruVaranasiAgraKanpurLucknowQuestion 14 of 2015. Kabir was one of the greatest……….of Bhakti-Era.ProfessorFilm-makerWriterPoetsQuestion 15 of 2016. Kabir was able to convey to them his message of love, compassion andsisterhoodmotherhoodbrotherhoodfatherhoodQuestion 16 of 2017. The orthodox Hindu and Muslim hatedRavindraKalidasSurdasKabirQuestion 17 of 2018. Kabir had to wage a relentless was against obscurantism orthodox Brahminism, and……….BudhSikhHinduIslamQuestion 18 of 2019. Kabir’s songs castigated casteism, ritualism andbadevilsocial & ementsorthodoxyQuestion 19 of 2020. Kabir was a………..poet.famousgoodsaintgreatQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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