MCQ Chapter 3 English Panorama Prose Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9A Silent Revolution 1. Short message service centre is run by theadvertisementtechnologyservice providernone of theseQuestion 1 of 202. The process of sending messages and reading them generally varies from handsetto another thingto handsetto marketto handfulQuestion 2 of 203. The SMSC stores the message andsendsprovidescdsstandardsQuestion 3 of 204. ‘Communication’ meanssharemeans of accessmake possibleconveyQuestion 4 of 205. SMS is sent bytextvoiceoperatornone of theseQuestion 5 of 206. A voice call is a message sent by words offlashwritingmouthnone of themQuestion 6 of 207. Aim meansDestinationEnsureglobalDistanceQuestion 7 of 208. An SMS is a short message in letters andpicturesdigitsdatanumbersQuestion 8 of 209. SMS can be typed on a small keypad of theT.V.phonecomputercameraQuestion 9 of 2010. SMS travels on a signallingHighwaySubwayRoadPathwayQuestion 10 of 2011. Normally the SMS messages are receivedafter one dayafter a monthimmediatelyvery lateQuestion 11 of 2012. There is always a signal to show that a message has been sent orreceivedeasii / sentnot sentnever sentQuestion 12 of 2013. Receivitg an SMS is generallycostlyfreenominal ratechargedQuestion 13 of 2014. The first SMS message was sent from a PC to a vodafone mobile phone in theUAEUKUPUSAQuestion 14 of 2015. Cellular operator could not understand itspotential fullystrengthabilityidentityQuestion 15 of 2016. Maximufn size of SMS cannot be more than100 characters140 characters160 characters200 charactersQuestion 16 of 2017. Encouraged by the success of SMS, the industry is now introducingMMSVRSSIMGSMQuestion 17 of 2018. SMS, like e-mail, is a store and……serviceForwardBackwardBadafterwardQuestion 18 of 2019. Short message service centre is run by theservice takerMediaService providerinternetQuestion 19 of 2020. The delivery of messages may be delayed due tohackinglacklusterbureaucracycongestionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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