MCQ Chapter 1 English Panorama Poetry Class 9 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9The Grand Mother 1. The poet can recognise his grand mother fromthree miles awaysix miles awaya mile awayfour milesQuestion 1 of 122. The grand mother’s hands werewarm and damphotbigcool and dampQuestion 2 of 123. The poet draws a picture of his grandmother, all loving andall-insipringlovingappearingapealingQuestion 3 of 124. The grandmother’s hands smell ofmilkbuttersoaprootsQuestion 4 of 125. The poet draws a picture of his grand mother, allworkingdeardarlinglovingQuestion 5 of 126. Someone is stirring ashes …… a sleeping five ……..nightinto, atfrom, atamong, inat, withQuestion 6 of 127. A voice coming from a rocktongueearskineyeQuestion 7 of 128. You ………… have returned yesterday.willshallmayshouldQuestion 8 of 129. He said that he………come tomorrowmaymightwillcouldQuestion 9 of 1210. He said, “I………… be there on time”.willcancouldmayQuestion 10 of 1211. I…….. hear what she was saying.willcancouldmayQuestion 11 of 1212. He…….come, if you ask him.canmaymightwillQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
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