MCQ Chapter 9 Sikkim English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. Sikkim is divided into how many districts?FiveTwoThreeFourQuestion 1 of 202. "Saga Dawa" is a festival celebrated in Sikkim related to:WinterHarvestMonsoonBuddha's birthQuestion 2 of 203. The highest mountain visible from Sikkim is:Nanda DeviMount EverestKanchenjungaMakaluQuestion 3 of 204. The traditional attire of Sikkim is worn mainly by which community?TibetanNepaleseBhutiasLepchasQuestion 4 of 205. Sikkim is located in the _______ Himalayas.SouthernNorthernEasternWesternQuestion 5 of 206. Which tree is NOT found in Sikkim's flora?ChestnutSalOakEucalyptusQuestion 6 of 207. The most common crop grown on Sikkim's hillsides is:MilletWheatRiceCornQuestion 7 of 208. Which type of bear is found in Sikkim?Grizzly BearPolar BearBrown BearHimalayan Black BearQuestion 8 of 209. The people in rural Sikkim typically grow:Grapes and spicesTea and coffeeApples and teaCardamom and gingerQuestion 9 of 2010. Sikkim shares a border with which Indian state in the south?Arunachal PradeshAssamWest BengalManipurQuestion 10 of 2011. "Phang Lhabsol" is a festival to honor:Harvest seasonThe KingLocal deitiesMount KanchenjungaQuestion 11 of 2012. The Marbled Cat is part of which category in Sikkim?TraditionFloraFaunaCropQuestion 12 of 2013. The Buddhist festival "Lhabab Dhuechein" signifies:MonsoonBuddha’s descent from heavenHarvest festivalNew YearQuestion 13 of 2014. Which state lies to the west of Sikkim?Arunachal PradeshAssamWest BengalNepalQuestion 14 of 2015. What type of geographical feature describes Sikkim?CoastalPlainDesertMountainousQuestion 15 of 2016. The "Bhoral" is a type of:RiverBirdDeerPlantQuestion 16 of 2017. Which group primarily inhabits Sikkim?GujaratisTamilsMarathisBhutiasQuestion 17 of 2018. Sikkim’s area is approximately:10,200 sq km5,000 sq km7,096 sq km9,500 sq kmQuestion 18 of 2019. Which activity is common among rural Sikkimese people?MiningIndustrial workFishingFarmingQuestion 19 of 2020. The Impeyan pheasant is mainly a:FishTreeAnimalBirdQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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