MCQ Chapter 9 Sikkim English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. What is the capital of Sikkim?GangtokNamchiGeyzingManganQuestion 1 of 202. What does "Gangtok" mean?Snowy landHigh hillMountain viewValley of riceQuestion 2 of 203. Sikkim became the 22nd state of India in which year?1987195019751963Question 3 of 204. The Tibetan name for Sikkim, "Denjong," means:House of godsValley of peaceLand of mountainsValley of riceQuestion 4 of 205. Which animal is NOT commonly found in Sikkim?Barking deerSnow leopardElephantRed pandaQuestion 5 of 206. What is the state flower of Sikkim?MarigoldRhododendronLotusOrchid (Dendrobium nobile)Question 6 of 207. The people of Sikkim primarily follow which religion?IslamHinduismChristianityBuddhismQuestion 7 of 208. Which festival is NOT celebrated in Sikkim?LosoongDiwaliLosarPongalQuestion 8 of 209. The flora of Sikkim includes all EXCEPT:ChestnutMapleBambooTeakQuestion 9 of 2010. Sikkim is bounded by which country in the east?BangladeshNepalChinaBhutanQuestion 10 of 2011. Which bird is commonly found in Sikkim?SparrowPeacockSnow partridgeFlamingoQuestion 11 of 2012. The main language spoken in Sikkim is:BengaliHindiEnglishNepaliQuestion 12 of 2013. Which district of Sikkim has its headquarters in Geyzing?South SikkimEast SikkimWest SikkimNorth SikkimQuestion 13 of 2014. Sikkim is the largest producer of which spice in India?ClovesPepperCardamomCinnamonQuestion 14 of 2015. The state tree of Sikkim is:PineOakMapleRhododendronQuestion 15 of 2016. The Chumbi Valley borders Sikkim on the:SouthNorthEastWestQuestion 16 of 2017. Which mineral is NOT mined in Sikkim?DolomiteCopperGoldLimestoneQuestion 17 of 2018. The fauna of Sikkim includes the:Bengal foxTigerMusk deerLionQuestion 18 of 2019. The Lepchas are primarily:ArtistsTradersFarmersWarriorsQuestion 19 of 2020. Which language is the lingua franca of Sikkim?EnglishHindiNepaliBhutiaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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