MCQ Chapter 8 English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8Measure for Measure 1. Why did Krishna Deva Raya invite Raja Varma to his court?To honor himTo make him a ministerTo see his artTo make him a generalQuestion 1 of 202. What did the king feel after seeing his portrait by Raja Varma?DisappointedAnnoyedIndifferentPleasedQuestion 2 of 203. What role did Krishna Deva Raya offer to Raja Varma?AdvisorGeneralChief MinisterTreasurerQuestion 3 of 204. How did people feel about Raja Varma’s administration?ImpressedContentUnhappyInspiredQuestion 4 of 205. Who did the townspeople approach for help to remove Raja Varma?The court ministerThe kingTenali RamanThe queenQuestion 5 of 206. What strategy did Tenali Raman use to show Raja Varma's ineptitude?He publicly criticized himHe held a public debateHe hired an untrained cookHe brought in a carpenter to cookQuestion 6 of 207. How did the guests react to the food served by the carpenter?Praised itEnjoyed itDisliked itIgnored itQuestion 7 of 208. What realization did the king have after tasting the food?Artists make great cooksCarpentry and cooking are alikeAn artist can be a good administratorA skilled person should stick to their expertiseQuestion 8 of 209. What did Raja Varma decide to do after the incident?Ask for more trainingResign from his positionImprove his skillsContinue as chief ministerQuestion 9 of 2010. What lesson does the story aim to convey?Anyone can be a leaderGenerosity can be problematicWisdom is necessary for leadershipArt and administration are similarQuestion 10 of 2011. Why did Tenali Raman feel the need to act against Raja Varma's appointment?He was jealous of Raja VarmaHe disliked Raja VarmaHe was concerned about the stateHe wanted to prove a pointQuestion 11 of 2012. What quality did the king admire in Tenali Raman after the incident?His kindnessHis artistic skillsHis patienceHis wisdomQuestion 12 of 2013. The phrase "Measure for Measure" in the title implies:ReciprocityKarmaRetributionAll of the aboveQuestion 13 of 2014. What kind of artist was Raja Varma?SculptorPoetMusicianPainterQuestion 14 of 2015. How did the king react to the carpenter's cooking?He ignored itHe laughedHe praised itHe punished Tenali RamanQuestion 15 of 2016. What genre does the story of "Measure for Measure" belong to?RomanceHumorDramaHorrorQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Raja Varma think of his role as chief minister?UnnecessaryComfortableChallengingEasyQuestion 17 of 2018. How was Raja Varma's appointment to chief minister received by the public?They supported itIt pleased themThey feared the kingIt caused discontentQuestion 18 of 2019. Who was known for supporting scholars and the arts?The eldersTenali RamanKrishna Deva RayaRaja VarmaQuestion 19 of 2020. Why did the king initially overlook Raja Varma’s lack of experience?Raja Varma requested the roleRaja Varma was very popularThe king’s generosityThe king misunderstood the job requirementsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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