MCQ Chapter 5 English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8One Two Three 1. Why did the king hold up three fingers?To scare the shepherdTo test if the shepherd believed in a third powerTo ask a questionTo show his angerQuestion 1 of 152. What does the story suggest about wisdom?It is a gift from GodIt comes with ageIt can be found in unexpected placesIt is only in the wiseQuestion 2 of 153. What character trait does the minister’s daughter display by choosing the shepherd?PrideWisdomFoolishnessJealousyQuestion 3 of 154. What is the main theme of this story?Wealth and prosperityKindnessFaith in GodPower and humilityQuestion 4 of 155. What role does the minister's daughter play in the story?A servantA helperAn antagonistA teacherQuestion 5 of 156. What lesson does the minister learn by trusting his daughter’s choice?Servants are disloyalDoubt everyoneWisdom can be unconventionalPower is everythingQuestion 6 of 157. What quality of the shepherd surprises the king?SilenceStrengthHumorInsightfulnessQuestion 7 of 158. What is the shepherd’s occupation?ShepherdFarmerPriestServantQuestion 8 of 159. How does the king finally feel about the shepherd’s answers?SadAnnoyedProudSatisfiedQuestion 9 of 1510. What does the term ‘fool’ imply about the shepherd in this story?He was dishonestHe was ignorantHe had wisdom despite his simplicityHe was cunningQuestion 10 of 1511. What does the shepherd’s character in the story signify?FoolishnessArroganceInnocence and insightCowardiceQuestion 11 of 1512. Why did the king believe others could guess his thoughts?He was overconfidentHe was curiousHe thought he was predictableHe believed in shared wisdomQuestion 12 of 1513. How did the minister feel before his daughter intervened?AmusedConfidentDesperateRelaxedQuestion 13 of 1514. What did the shepherd deny by shaking his head when three fingers were raised?His fear of the kingThe existence of a third powerThe king’s authorityHis own abilitiesQuestion 14 of 1515. What does the king’s willingness to test others reveal about him?He is loyalHe is arrogantHe is kindHe is thoughtfulQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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