MCQ Chapter 2 Sleep English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. Why do we need sleep?To feel tiredTo grow and develop our brain and bodyTo avoid eatingTo waste timeQuestion 1 of 202. How long does an average adult sleep?4 hours5 hours7 hours and 20 minutes10 hoursQuestion 2 of 203. How much sleep do children aged 5-12 need each night?12-13 hours5-6 hours8-9 hours10-11 hoursQuestion 3 of 204. What is REM in sleep?Rare Eye MotionRapid Energy MovementRest Every MomentRapid Eye MovementQuestion 4 of 205. At what stage does dreaming usually occur?Stage 4Stage 1Stage 3REM stageQuestion 5 of 206. Which group needs the most hours of sleep?ElderlyTeenagersBabiesAdultsQuestion 6 of 207. How many stages are there in one sleep cycle?6345Question 7 of 208. What slows down when we sleep?BreathingHeart rateBody temperatureAll of the aboveQuestion 8 of 209. Which phase of sleep occurs mostly in the later part of the night?Light sleep phaseDeep sleep phaseREM phaseInitial sleep phaseQuestion 9 of 2010. What happens if you don’t get enough sleep?Faster growthImproved memoryBetter moodTrouble concentratingQuestion 10 of 2011. What is a common cause of sleep problems?Working lateWatching moviesEating lateWorry and depressionQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the recommended solution for sleep problems instead of sleeping pills?Taking a napUsing earplugsDrinking coffeeIdentifying and removing the problemQuestion 12 of 2013. What is insomnia?Rapid eye movementDeep sleepExcessive dreamingSleeplessness disorderQuestion 13 of 2014. What temperature pattern does the body follow during sleep?Fluctuates randomlyTemperature stays the sameFalls in the middle of the night and rises in the afternoonRises during sleepQuestion 14 of 2015. Why should we avoid sleeping pills?They boost immunityThey are addictiveThey increase sleep hoursThey help in dreamingQuestion 15 of 2016. What percentage of adults are satisfied with 5 hours or less of sleep?15%4%8%10%Question 16 of 2017. Which sleep stage involves body repair and growth?Stage 2REMStage 1Stage 4Question 17 of 2018. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of enough sleep?Concentration improvementImproved memoryGood moodMuscle deteriorationQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the main purpose of sleep according to the text?To skip eatingTo avoid daily tasksTo relax onlyTo help the body and mind function wellQuestion 19 of 2020. What can cause sleeplessness according to the passage?LightCold weatherNoiseAll of the aboveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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