MCQ Chapter 16 English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8Harvesting Rain 1. Why is rainwater considered valuable in the Maldives?It attracts touristsIt is abundant and safe for drinkingIt is used for agricultureIt is used for transportationQuestion 1 of 102. According to the passage, what should be encouraged in schools?Building wellsPlaying in the rainRainwater harvestingWater gamesQuestion 2 of 103. What issue does the author mention facing during summer?DroughtHeavy rainfallSevere water shortageFloodingQuestion 3 of 104. What feeling did the author associate with collecting rainwater after a dry spell?BoredomDisappointmentAnnoyanceThrillQuestion 4 of 105. What is the primary source of fresh water in the Maldives?River waterGroundwaterOcean waterRainwaterQuestion 5 of 106. Which of these is NOT mentioned as a part of the rainwater harvesting system?TapGuttersTankFilterQuestion 6 of 107. What is the main cause of water scarcity in the Maldives, as per the chapter?Population increaseLack of rainfallContaminated groundwaterIndustrial wasteQuestion 7 of 108. What did the author’s family do with the collected rainwater?Stored it for future useUsed it for drinkingStored it for irrigationThrew it awayQuestion 8 of 109. In which month is rainwater particularly useful in the author’s region?AugustMayJuneDecemberQuestion 9 of 1010. What lesson can be learned from the passage regarding natural resources?It is unnecessary to conserve waterThey are unlimitedWe should rely on other countriesConservation is crucialQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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