MCQ Chapter 14 English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8She Lived her Dream 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a quality of Kalpana in the text?HardworkingDeterminedFearfulAmbitiousQuestion 1 of 152. How many orbits did Kalpana complete during her mission?300150200252Question 2 of 153. Kalpana Chawla’s dream was to become an astronaut since she was:A working adultIn collegeA teenagerA young girlQuestion 3 of 154. How many applicants were chosen alongside Kalpana to become an astronaut?5501019Question 4 of 155. Kalpana was chosen for astronaut training in:2000199519901988Question 5 of 156. Which subject did Kalpana’s school projects focus on?HistoryMathematicsPhysicsPlanets and outer spaceQuestion 6 of 157. Kalpana joined which organization as a research scientist after her Ph.D.?DRDONASAISROSpaceXQuestion 7 of 158. The Kalpana Chawla Award is given for:Space explorationScience achievementsBravery and serviceBest studentQuestion 8 of 159. Kalpana Chawla held which citizenship at the time of her space missions?FrenchIndianAmericanDual citizenshipQuestion 9 of 1510. Kalpana Chawla is an inspiration because she:Was a medical doctorLived her dreamWon several awardsBuilt space shuttlesQuestion 10 of 1511. Where did Kalpana work as an astronaut?Goddard Space CenterAmes Research CenterJohnson Space CenterMarshall Space CenterQuestion 11 of 1512. Kalpana’s passion for space exploration was evident in her:HobbiesSchool gradesSchool projects and sketchesBooks readQuestion 12 of 1513. Kalpana Chawla made her first flight on which shuttle?EndeavourAtlantisDiscoveryColumbiaQuestion 13 of 1514. Which year did Kalpana start working at NASA?1992199019881985Question 14 of 1515. How did Kalpana continue to support her hometown after achieving success?Published a book about her journeyFunded travel to NASA for two students annuallyOpened a space school in her townFunded a hospitalQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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