MCQ Chapter 11 English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8My First Role in Life 1. How did the director instruct King Dasharath regarding the arrows?To not shoot at allTo shoot twiceTo only shoot onceTo aim at the audienceQuestion 1 of 202. What item did Shrawan Kumar carry to fetch water?A jugA potA lotaA bucketQuestion 2 of 203. Why did Shrawan Kumar lie down on stage?He forgot his linesHe was tiredTo act as if he was dyingHe felt dizzyQuestion 3 of 204. What was the audience’s reaction when Shrawan Kumar got up after “dying”?They remained silentThey booedThey clapped and laughedThey left the hallQuestion 4 of 205. Which word best describes the audience's reaction to the play overall?SadSeriousAmusedAnnoyedQuestion 5 of 206. Who told Bal Raj about his brother's performance?The audienceThe directorA teacherThe principalQuestion 6 of 207. What did the writer’s teacher say to Bal Raj?"The play is ruined.""Look what your brother is doing!""Your brother is great!""This is amazing!"Question 7 of 208. What part of Bodhraj’s costume kept falling?His beltHis hatHis shoesHis sari’s aanchalQuestion 8 of 209. What made Bodhraj’s role humorous?His incorrect linesHis high voiceHis shaven head showingHis loud actionsQuestion 9 of 2010. How was the writer instructed to act during his death scene?Sing a songLie down and stay stillStand up and shoutWave to the audienceQuestion 10 of 2011. What did the writer use to touch his parents' feet in the play?A stickA featherHis handsA lotaQuestion 11 of 2012. What was kept on stage to represent the river?SandA bucket of waterA pictureBlue clothQuestion 12 of 2013. Who was waiting for Shrawan Kumar to finish singing?His parentsThe directorKing DasharathThe audienceQuestion 13 of 2014. What did King Dasharath accuse Shrawan Kumar of doing?Stealing waterDrinking the river waterPolluting the river waterDestroying the riverQuestion 14 of 2015. What made Shrawan Kumar’s song seem endless?A technical problemThe director’s requestThe length of the songThe audience’s laughterQuestion 15 of 2016. What did Shrawan Kumar’s high-pitched voice cause?TearsSilence in the hallShock among the audienceApplauseQuestion 16 of 2017. Who commented, “Look, look again, he can see”?King DasharathThe teacherThe directorSomeone in the audienceQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of these best describes the audience’s mood during the play?UninterestedExcited and seriousAmused and entertainedSad and thoughtfulQuestion 18 of 2019. How did the audience react when Shrawan Kumar resumed his position?By leavingWith a standing ovationWith laughter and clappingIn complete silenceQuestion 19 of 2020. How did Shrawan Kumar’s performance end?With him leaving the stageWith applause and clappingIn complete silenceWith the director stopping the playQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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