MCQ Chapter 1 I Wonder English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. What is the poet’s emotional tone in the poem?HappyAngryCuriousSadQuestion 1 of 152. Who does the poet suppose might know the answers to their questions?A strangerTheir dadA friendA teacherQuestion 2 of 153. The word 'wonder' in the poem suggests feelings of:KnowledgeConfidenceAmazement and curiosityDoubtQuestion 3 of 154. What is the poet’s view on the rainbow’s colors?Not mentionedDullVibrantMonochromeQuestion 4 of 155. The word 'lightning' in the poem refers to:DarknessA flash of bright light in the skySoft lightA rainbowQuestion 5 of 156. According to the poet, who might know the answers to the wonders mentioned?A scientistThe sunThe moonDadQuestion 6 of 157. What does the poet compare the clouds to?LeavesStonesCottonFluffy materialQuestion 7 of 158. The poem is an example of which literary genre?PoetryFictionFantasyNon-fictionQuestion 8 of 159. The poet's questions indicate a sense of:CuriosityKnowledgeImaginationWisdomQuestion 9 of 1510. Which literary device is used with the phrases 'blow out' and 'flash about'?HyperboleAlliterationSimileImageryQuestion 10 of 1511. Who does the poet believe controls natural elements like stars and lightning?The poet themselfThe earthA mysterious forceScientistsQuestion 11 of 1512. What type of rhyme scheme can be observed in "I Wonder"?ABCAABABAABBABCDQuestion 12 of 1513. The poet wonders why which part of nature is missing?Tree’s leavesMoon’s complete shapeStar’s brightnessBird’s featherQuestion 13 of 1514. The poet's father’s response to the poet’s questions is:DetailedIndifferentSilentEncouragingQuestion 14 of 1515. Who might the 'I' in the poem represent?A scientistAn animalA childAn adultQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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