MCQ Chapter 1 I Wonder English Radiance Class 8 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. What is the poet curious about in the first line of the poem?The shape of cloudsThe color of the skyWhy the grass is greenThe taste of rainQuestion 1 of 152. Which natural element does the poet wonder about, stating it is invisible?SunlightWaterWindFireQuestion 2 of 153. What is the poet curious about concerning birds?How they communicateHow they singHow they flyWho taught them to build a nestQuestion 3 of 154. In the poem, the poet wonders about the rest taken by which of the following?FlowersTreesCloudsBirdsQuestion 4 of 155. The poet wonders about which phase of the moon?Crescent moonFull moonNew moonHalf moonQuestion 5 of 156. Who does the poet wonder might light the stars when they 'blow out'?The windThe sunThe cloudsAn unknown beingQuestion 6 of 157. What natural phenomenon does the poet mention with a "flash"?StarsRainThunderLightningQuestion 7 of 158. The poet is curious about who paints which natural beauty in the sky?CloudsStarsSunsetRainbowQuestion 8 of 159. The clouds are described in the poem with which adjective?DarkHeavySoftFluffyQuestion 9 of 1510. What is the poet’s feeling towards their father not answering their questions?CuriosityFrustrationIndifferenceSadnessQuestion 10 of 1511. The word 'bit' in the poem refers to which concept?A mysteryA small partA full pieceAn imaginary creatureQuestion 11 of 1512. The term 'flash about' in the poem implies:SpeedDarknessSudden brightnessComplete silenceQuestion 12 of 1513. The word 'fluffy' as used in the poem describes something that is:WetLight and softDenseRoughQuestion 13 of 1514. What does the poet wonder about the missing part of?The starsThe sunThe rainbowThe moonQuestion 14 of 1515. What rhyming word pair is used in the poem?Flash and clashGreen and seenBright and sightWind and findQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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