MCQ Chapter 4 English Radiance Class 7 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7The Peacock – Our National Bird 1. Who mentioned seeing a peacock’s dance in a marriage ceremony?RubyImranAbhishekThe TeacherQuestion 1 of 102. What does the peacock eat apart from fruits and plants?Insects, frogs, and lizardsMeat onlyLeaves and waterDairy productsQuestion 2 of 103. What is the size of a peacock’s head compared to its body?LargeMediumSmallEqualQuestion 3 of 104. How did the students greet the teacher at the beginning of the lesson?By clappingBy saying "Good morning"By singing a songBy bowingQuestion 4 of 105. What did the teacher use to introduce the lesson?A poemA picture of a peacockA videoA model of a peacockQuestion 5 of 106. What is the peacock's body described as in the text?Small and plainLarge and ovalSlim and roundLarge and squareQuestion 6 of 107. What is the female peacock called?MorniPeahenSwanHenQuestion 7 of 108. What is the teacher’s reaction to the students’ responses?He scolds themHe appreciates themHe ignores themHe asks them more questionsQuestion 8 of 109. What activity involves two people dancing as a peacock and a peahen?School eventsMarriage ceremoniesReligious festivalsBirthday partiesQuestion 9 of 1010. What was the response when the teacher asked if anyone had seen a peacock without feathers?Yes, some hadNo, none hadOnly one hadThey were unsureQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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