English MCQ Chapter 7 Class 6 Bihar Board बिहार बोर्ड Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6A Mother’s Love 1. What made Bela realize her mistake?Ratan’s apology to SitaThe leaking roof and crying child during the stormThe flood damaging their shopSita falling illQuestion 1 of 152. What was the name of Ratan’s son?The story doesn’t mention his nameArjunRaviMohanQuestion 2 of 153. What does "dote" mean in the text?To show excessive loveTo scoldTo ignoreTo play withQuestion 3 of 154. What does "reunion" mean in the story?A happy meeting after separationA farewellA fightA celebrationQuestion 4 of 155. What caused the people to leave the village?The rising water levels of the Punpun RiverLack of food and waterAn attack by animalsA government orderQuestion 5 of 156. What did Sita do when she became a grandmother?She ignored the childShe doted on the child and sang songs to himShe moved to another houseShe took over the shopQuestion 6 of 157. What does "shiver" mean in the text?To tremble due to cold or fearTo sit quietlyTo cry loudlyTo run awayQuestion 7 of 158. What was the condition of Ratan’s shop during the flood?It remained unaffectedIt was completely washed awayIt was damaged but not destroyedIt caught fireQuestion 8 of 159. What natural sound is mentioned during the storm?Wind howlingThunderBirds chirpingTrees fallingQuestion 9 of 1510. What was Ratan’s behavior toward Sita after his marriage?Respectful and caringNeglectful and unkindSupportive and lovingAngry and rudeQuestion 10 of 1511. How did Sita earn money to pay for Ratan’s studies?By working as a teacherBy selling vegetables and working as a housemaidBy borrowing from neighborsBy running a small shopQuestion 11 of 1512. What does "forgive" mean in the story?To pardon someone’s mistakesTo forgetTo blame someoneTo argueQuestion 12 of 1513. What does "complain" mean as used in the text?To express dissatisfactionTo praiseTo ask for helpTo explainQuestion 13 of 1514. What caused Sita’s health to worsen?The floodwatersNeglect and old ageThe cold weatherLack of proper foodQuestion 14 of 1515. What does the story highlight about a mother’s love?It is conditionalIt is forgiving and unconditionalIt is dependent on the child’s successIt fades over timeQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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