English MCQ Chapter 5 Class 6 Bihar Board बिहार बोर्ड Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6Bangle-Sellers 1. Who composed the poem "Bangle-Sellers"?Rabindranath TagoreSarojini NaiduSubhadra Kumari ChauhanMirabaiQuestion 1 of 152. What is the poet’s nickname?The Melody QueenNightingale of IndiaThe Warrior PoetVoice of FreedomQuestion 2 of 153. Where do the bangle sellers take their bangles?Village marketsTemple fairsCity shopsRailway stationsQuestion 3 of 154. What are the bangles described as in the poem?Heavy and dullDelicate and brightColorless and plainFragile and weakQuestion 4 of 155. What does "rainbow-tinted circles of light" refer to?Colorful necklacesShiny banglesDecorative lampsFestival lanternsQuestion 5 of 156. Who are the bangles meant for?Young boysHappy daughters and wivesFarmersTemple priestsQuestion 6 of 157. What are "lustrous tokens" a symbol of?SadnessRadiant lives of womenPovertySimplicityQuestion 7 of 158. Which colors are the bangles compared to in the poem?Silver and goldBlue and silverRed and greenBlack and whiteQuestion 8 of 159. What natural phenomenon is compared to the bangles in the poem?RainbowMountain mistForest flowersSunriseQuestion 9 of 1510. What is the meaning of "flushed like the buds that dream"?Pale and dryRed and blossomingWithered and oldBright and colorfulQuestion 10 of 1511. What does "limpid glory" refer to?Transparent beautyHidden mysteryDull shineUnclear reflectionQuestion 11 of 1512. What type of bangles are compared to "new-born leaves"?Red and pink banglesBangles that are green and fresh-lookingYellow and golden banglesHeavy and metallic banglesQuestion 12 of 1513. What mood does the poem "Bangle-Sellers" evoke?SadnessCelebration and happinessFear and worryQuiet reflectionQuestion 13 of 1514. What does the poet compare silver and blue bangles to?The skyThe seaMountain mistA quiet riverQuestion 14 of 1515. What do bangle sellers symbolize in the poem?TravelersJoy and traditionSorrow and struggleLove and freedomQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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