English MCQ Chapter 4 Class 6 Bihar Board बिहार बोर्ड Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6Lata Mangeshkar : The Melody Queen 1. What is a "message" in the context of animal communication?A note written on paperA form of spoken or unspoken communicationA phone callA scent or smell onlyQuestion 1 of 152. What does "posture" mean in the text?Standing uprightA position or stance of the bodyRunning in circlesLying down to restQuestion 2 of 153. What do animals use to scare both enemies and prey?Baring teeth and raising their hairWalking slowlyEating loudlyMaking soft noisesQuestion 3 of 154. What does the term "infinite" mean as used in the text?LimitedNever-ending or limitlessRestrictedTemporaryQuestion 4 of 155. What kind of messages do animals send when they are afraid?Silent signalsLoud noises or body gesturesNo messagesWordsQuestion 5 of 156. How do animals use smell to avoid danger?By leaving scents to warn othersBy smelling predators' scentsBy hiding their scentBy using their smell to locate foodQuestion 6 of 157. What is the meaning of "express" in the text?To show or share feelings or thoughtsTo hide emotionsTo write down somethingTo sing loudlyQuestion 7 of 158. What does the word "communicate" mean?To play gamesTo transmit informationTo stand silentlyTo sleepQuestion 8 of 159. Why do animals bare their teeth?To show kindnessTo show dominance or frightenTo express sadnessTo attract attentionQuestion 9 of 1510. What does "warning" mean in the chapter?A call to playInformation of possible dangerA loud noiseA friendly gestureQuestion 10 of 1511. What is one limitation of animal communication compared to human language?Animals cannot produce infinite ideasAnimals do not use their sensesAnimals cannot befriend one anotherAnimals only use wordsQuestion 11 of 1512. What does the term "bare" mean in the text?To cover upTo show or exposeTo hideTo make a loud noiseQuestion 12 of 1513. What is NOT a characteristic of human language mentioned in the text?Ability to produce infinite sentencesUsage of smell to communicateConstruction of new ideasComplex structureQuestion 13 of 1514. How do animals indicate fear or anger without making sounds?By lying downBy raising their hair or baring their teethBy standing stillBy running awayQuestion 14 of 1515. What is one common similarity between humans and animals in communication?Both use wordsBoth use gestures and soundsBoth write messagesBoth use infinite sentencesQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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