English MCQ Chapter 4 Class 6 Bihar Board बिहार बोर्ड Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6Lata Mangeshkar : The Melody Queen 1. How do animals communicate with each other?Using words and sentencesUsing sounds, smell, and body postureUsing writing and readingUsing gestures like humansQuestion 1 of 152. What do animals use their strong sense of smell for?To find foodTo send messages and find partnersTo locate waterTo identify their territoryQuestion 2 of 153. How far can some animals smell their partners?A few meters awayKilometers awayA short distanceThey cannot smell their partnersQuestion 3 of 154. What do animals do when they want to show friendship?Bare their teethCome close to each otherRaise their hairMake loud soundsQuestion 4 of 155. What does an animal raising its hair usually indicate?HappinessFear or angerSadnessSleepinessQuestion 5 of 156. Which of these is NOT used by animals to send messages?SmellSoundsWordsBody movementsQuestion 6 of 157. What is the purpose of animals baring their teeth?To smileTo frighten enemies or preyTo attract partnersTo express happinessQuestion 7 of 158. Which type of message do animals often send through sounds?GreetingsWarnings or expressions of fearInvitationsApologiesQuestion 8 of 159. How does the human language differ from animal communication?It is simplerIt is limitedIt can produce infinite sentences and new ideasIt only uses soundsQuestion 9 of 1510. What is the meaning of "complex" in the context of human language?Simple and easyHard to understand and consisting of many partsUnstructured and confusingExtremely limitedQuestion 10 of 1511. What do animals use their body posture for?To sleepTo send messagesTo exerciseTo huntQuestion 11 of 1512. What is one way animals use their sense of smell?To locate preyTo identify predatorsTo leave a scent for communicationTo avoid waterQuestion 12 of 1513. What do animals use as a warning sign?Body posture and soundSmell and wordsSilence and stillnessSounds onlyQuestion 13 of 1514. Why is human language considered unique?It uses writingIt allows for complex emotionsIt enables the creation of infinite new ideasIt has more vocabulary than animal communicationQuestion 14 of 1515. Which animal behavior is NOT mentioned in the chapter?Baring teethSinging songsRaising hairLeaving scentsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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