English MCQ Chapter 2 Class 6 Bihar Board बिहार बोर्ड Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6The Boy Who Lost His Appetite 1. What was Sham’s condition after hours of roaming in the woods?Relaxed and happyTired and hungryAngry and frustratedScared and cryingQuestion 1 of 152. What did Sham thank the peasant for?Giving him food and directionsHelping him find his friendsCooking rich food for himGiving him a horseQuestion 2 of 153. What does "peasant" mean in the story?A kingA rich manA farmerA travelerQuestion 3 of 154. How long was Sham lost in the woods?2 hours6 to 7 hours10 hoursA whole dayQuestion 4 of 155. Why did Sham initially find rich food tasteless?It was not well-preparedHe had no physical activityHe ate too much of itIt was spoiledQuestion 5 of 156. What did the peasant say about his food?It was not enough for ShamIt was simple but Sham was welcome to have itIt was delicious and specialIt was the best meal Sham would ever eatQuestion 6 of 157. What did Sham realize about his lifestyle?It was healthyIt made him lose his appetiteIt was adventurousIt was enjoyableQuestion 7 of 158. What word describes Sham’s behavior before he got lost?ActiveLazyEnergeticResponsibleQuestion 8 of 159. What did Sham do after returning home from the woods?Changed his lifestyleWent back to his old habitsThanked the peasant againGave away his wealthQuestion 9 of 1510. Why did Sham agree to go on the hunt?To spend time with his friendsTo avoid being lazy for a dayTo try something newTo prove his skillsQuestion 10 of 1511. What does "wondered" mean in the story?To think deeplyTo walk aimlesslyTo get scaredTo feel joyQuestion 11 of 1512. How did the peasant guide Sham back home?He gave him a mapHe gave him directionsHe went with himHe gave him a horseQuestion 12 of 1513. What activity made Sham tired and hungry?Riding in the woodsEating rich foodPlaying with his friendsHunting animalsQuestion 13 of 1514. What made the simple food taste better than the rich food for Sham?HungerThe cooking methodThe peasant’s kindnessThe spices usedQuestion 14 of 1515. What does the story emphasize about physical activity?It is unnecessaryIt enhances hunger and enjoyment of foodIt makes people tiredIt is only for peasantsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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