English MCQ Chapter 11 Class 6 Bihar Board बिहार बोर्ड Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6Akbar and Birbal 1. What was Akbar’s full name?Jalaluddin Muhammad AkbarJahangir Muhammad AkbarShah Jahan AkbarBabur AkbarQuestion 1 of 152. What was Akbar known as?Akbar, the BraveAkbar, the GreatAkbar, the WiseAkbar, the JustQuestion 2 of 153. Who were the ‘Nav Ratnas’?Akbar’s nine ministersAkbar’s nine bodyguardsAkbar’s nine queensAkbar’s nine poetsQuestion 3 of 154. Why did Akbar love Birbal?For his braveryFor his wisdom, wit, and humorFor his strengthFor his loyaltyQuestion 4 of 155. What was Birbal’s profession besides being a minister?HistorianPoet and authorScholarAstronomerQuestion 5 of 156. What did the Pandit claim about his skills?He could answer any question in any languageHe could solve any riddleHe could predict the futureHe could perform magicQuestion 6 of 157. What was the Pandit’s challenge to Akbar’s court?To solve a puzzleTo guess his mother tongueTo translate a poemTo name all the languages he knewQuestion 7 of 158. How did the courtiers perform in the Pandit’s challenge?They failed to guess his mother tongueThey guessed correctlyThey did not participateThey ignored the challengeQuestion 8 of 159. What did Birbal do to find out the Pandit’s mother tongue?Asked the Pandit directlyObserved the Pandit’s behavior in courtDisturbed the Pandit’s sleep at nightSpoke to the Pandit’s familyQuestion 9 of 1510. What tool did Birbal use to disturb the Pandit’s sleep?A featherA stickDry grassHis handQuestion 10 of 1511. What phrase did the Pandit shout in his sleep?"Who are you?""What is happening?""Yevvurura adi""Leave me alone!"Question 11 of 1512. What language was the Pandit’s mother tongue?TamilTeluguSanskritHindiQuestion 12 of 1513. Why did the Pandit speak his mother tongue in his sleep?He was in distressHe wanted to trick BirbalHe was dreamingHe was practicing languagesQuestion 13 of 1514. What did Akbar praise Birbal for?His kindnessHis timely wisdomHis braveryHis patienceQuestion 14 of 1515. How many syllables does the word 'teacher' have?OneTwoThreeFourQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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